Pineapple at 7 months

Welcome Pineapple to the ranks of the Newly Salted! Read their interview below or as originally published on their blog.---- Before we left San Francisco, we were hungry for information, advice, and stories about the cruising life. Newly Salted and companion series Interview with...

Miss Fe at 3 months

Welcome Miss Fe to the ranks of the Newly Salted! Read their interview below or as originally published on their blog. Paul & Lindsey What is something that you read or heard about cruising, that you didn’t find to be true? Paul: YouTube gave us the impression that there are...
Posted on Wednesday, May 02, 2018 by  |  

Take Me There at 4 months

Welcome Take Me There to the ranks of the Newly Salted! Read their interview below or as originally published on their blog. ---- A while back, we answered a post (Cruisers Forum) from Livia Gilstrap regarding her Interview with a Cruiser Project.  We thought it was a great idea to...
Posted on Tuesday, January 09, 2018 by  and tagged   |  

Luna Sea at 6 months

Welcome Sionna to the ranks of the Newly Salted! Read their interview below or as originally published on their blog. --- We were recently contacted by Newly Salted to answer 10 questions about our cruising life.  I’ve always enjoyed reading other bloggers’ posts on the site, and...